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A Little Inspiration For Your Friday

I have this friend whose husband is battling cancer.

Every day she wakes up to a life she couldn't have imagined a year ago. It's hard. Really, really hard. But every day she's there. Hanging on to bits and pieces of hope. One foot in front of the other.

She's fighting.

I have this other friend.

She's taking her health back. And really, she's taking her life back, too. She's loosing the weight. She's exercising and admitting she the times she doesn't feel like it.

And get this -- she's posting videos of herself, too. Bare-faced, hair pulled back, sweaty, working it. And she's even posting pictures from two years ago of her slimmer self. She's so freaking authentic about how depressing the journey can be. And so incredibly inspiring at the same time. Get it, girl. Keep fighting.

My other friend?

Well, she's getting her marriage back. And anyone who has ever done that knows it can be grueling. To stay when you feel like running. To talk about it when you feel like shutting down. To reach out when you want to pull back. To believe there really is joy on the other side of so much pain? That's fighting.

And another ...

My friend. She has a 5-year-old -- just like many of us do. Except her daughter has a chronic disease. (And goodness, maybe yours does, too. <3) This disease affects her bones. She's in a cast most of the time. And deals with pain a lot. And her momma, my friend? Well, she's a prize fighter just like her little girl. The doctor's appointments, the daily exercises, the I-hope-it's-not-bad-news-this-time, and oh, did I mention the regular workingwifeandmomofthree? She handles is all with such grace and gratitutde. Such a fighter.

There are so many more ...

My friend -- A fitness instructor. Seven months pregnant and still doing burpees. Who is this girl??? Tired as all get out. Still teaching eight plus hours a day. Wife. Mom to three others. Still doing her thing. Still fighting.

My friend -- One of my besties. Making big decisions about her kids. Asking the tough questions. Seeking advice. Praying. Wondering if she's doing it right. Often not seeing that, yes, she really is. She's fighting.

My friend -- Caring for her ailing husband. But still smiling. Still encouraging me ... and really everyone else around her. She's a light in this world. She's fighting.

My friend -- Facing a hard diagnosis. Living with intention. Writing about it. Blogging about it. Her authenticity is as staggering as it is liberating. She's fighting.

And then there's YOU.

Showing up for your every day. Whatever it is. Wherever it takes you, you're there. In every moment. You're making breakfast. You're 9 to 5. You're adopting kids. You're writing books. You're mowing the lawn. You're facing chemo. You're starting a business. You're trying for a baby. You're going back to school. You're teaching school. You're changing diapers. You're being Grandma. You're starting over. You're doing it. You're fighting.

And let me assure you, you've got this. You really do. Even better -- you were made for this. You really were.

So what do you say? So let's do this today. Let's run toward the thing that scares us. Let's hope for the best without bracing for the worst. Let's believe in something bigger than ourselves.

Let's be a Pinterest quote -- "Broken Crayons Still Color," "This is the Beginning of Anything You Want," "You are Braver Than You Believe" ...

(Just pick one, and run with it.)

Because, you, my friend, were made for this very day.

Now, go take it.

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